The Lost Art of Words

Lost art of words

The Lost Art of Words

In days of old, when pens were might,
We crafted sentences pure and tight.
Grammar stood like kings in court,
Each comma, dash, a strong retort.

But now we live in rapid streams,
Where texts fly fast in fractured memes.
No time for syntax, or to spell,
Punctuation? Fare thee well!

"U" is now for "you," we say,
"Gr8" replaces "great" today.
Periods are obsolete,
Forgotten 'neath our thumbs so fleet.

Oh, where did proper language go?
It slipped away, so long, so slow.
In haste, we lost what once had grace,
A world where words held their own space.

But in this shift, we've lost a truth:
Good speech can shape the minds of youth.
With words, we build, or we divide—
A force for good or evil's tide.

For language can ignite a flame,
Inspire love or kindle blame.
With careful thought, it moves the heart,
But wielded wrong, it tears apart.

LOL, we laugh, but deep inside,
There's something gone we cannot hide.
For though it’s fun to text with flair,
The art of speech is thin and bare.

And yet, perhaps it's not too late,
To punctuate, enunciate!
Revive the words we’ve left behind,
And speak with elegance of mind.

For good or ill, communication reigns,
A power coursing through our veins.
Though "archaic" it may seem today,
Good language never fades away.

The Lost Art of Communication

In a world dominated by quick texts, emojis, and abbreviated messages, the art of thoughtful communication has become a relic of the past. Once, our words were chosen carefully, each sentence crafted with intention and care. Now, efficiency seems to outweigh clarity, with shortcuts like "U" for "you" and "gr8" for "great" becoming the norm. While technology has made communication faster and more accessible, it’s also eroded our ability to express ourselves fully and meaningfully.

Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation may seem “archaic” in this fast-paced digital age, but they hold real power. They are tools for building understanding, trust, and connection. When used thoughtfully, language can inspire, heal, and bring people together. But when neglected, it can cause misunderstandings, division, and even manipulation.

As we move forward in this ever-changing landscape, it’s worth considering the value of good communication. In a world that often sacrifices depth for speed, taking the time to express ourselves clearly is an act of respect—for ourselves and for others. Good language skills aren’t just an old-fashioned nicety; they’re the foundation of meaningful connection. Let's not lose sight of the power behind our words.