The World Revolution of 2020+
The word 'revolution' has a historically positive connotation. Revolution used to mean a change, a transition from a previous to a new, a transformation from something that is less to something that is more. Today it is incorrectly more identified with the word rebellion, which is definitely negative in its meaning of acting against or attempting to overthrow an established authority.
How is the Great Reset another expression for a revolution? It is a complete change of social, economic, governmental, religious institutions intended to make a better world for us and our posterity. The Great Reset is being presented by its proponents as a needed change from a failed and insufficient system to meet the challenges of the present and future in a world that is vastly different from the previous one where the tools of capitalism, currency, constitutions as law, and fundamental religious beliefs and values had their use and provided a firm foundation to build the current world as we know it. They are declared as deeply flawed and can no longer provide a safe and reliable foundation to move forward and achieve that global fraternal humanity with peace, prosperity and security for 'all'. Thus the Great Reset is simply a phrase that is synonymous with 'revolution'.
A logical inquiry might be to investigate how the newly proposed tools of this latest revolution differ from the previous ones and how substantially they shall achieve the desired effects. It takes almost no effort or intelligence to recognize that a system or institution is broken and there seems to be an endless social and media commentary on all the ways that the current institutions are broken. Finding solutions or fixes or even creating completely new institutions is far from trivial and actually involves great lengths of time and effort and many great minds working together to create them. At least that is a lesson that can be garnered from history which will also warn that any quick, hasty actions taken in large part by fear are either completely disastrous in their long-term results or are means employed by powerful movers to deceive the ignorant people into handing over their power to set up a tyranny. To take long-standing systems and institutions that have been built upon the foundations of liberty, justice, freedom, equality before God and declare them failed and then propose or worse act to institute new ones that are in name similar but in substance exactly opposite is the work of fools and the wet-dreams of potential tyrants. How can we discern whether or not these proposed tools will be the eventual weapons used against the people by those possessing the spirit of tyranny?
Tyrannies play a starring role in many epochs of history. They rise and fall as surely as do all other forms of governance and power consolidation. When the historical record is studied, tyrannies are usually quite recognizable as such in hindsight, especially to those who have enjoyed freedom from tyranny and thus have a mindset and existence that is shaped by those circumstances brought about under the principles of liberty, justice, freedom, equality before God that are in such stark contrast to the circumstances that exist under tyranny which is void of most if not all of these principles and if not void, then they are so disfigured and twisted that they are barely recognizable to a sound mind. A tyrant surely does not declare herself to be so, on the contrary, a tyrant will cloak herself in the pleasing garbs of necessity, interested in the greater good, acting in the interests of the people, interests of security, desiring prosperity, etc. Every good intention that can be stated to convince the people to relinquish their power will be used by a potential tyrant.
One of the greatest admonitions emanating from the historical record is that each generation both corporate and individual must ever be vigilant and committed to resist tyranny in all of its forms and to ever watch for its stirring within the frameworks of established institutions and governments and maintain a deadly warfare against it. A simple yet obvious condition for tyranny to rise domestically within a society that has enjoyed freedoms, liberties and the prosperity that results from guarding these principles is the undermining of those long-standing principles. If the people can be convinced that the institutions that have been built upon these principles are flawed and the prosperity ill-gained, and new ones must be created that will inevitably be substantially opposite to the old ones and thus contrary to the principles, then the way is open for the complete destruction of the principles themselves and the people will be no wiser because the outward form of the principles will remain. Words will imperceptibly be redefined and historical events restated and revised to meet the new definitions, recorded heroes will become criminals and the most base individuals will become praise worthy in the new narrative. In essence, the entire populace will be gas lighted and they will, in order to preserve their sanity, have to accept the new narrative as true and their own perceptions and beliefs as false and thus become distrustful of their own judgments or stand out and be denounced as lunatics or conspiracy theorists in the new order. When these types of voices and claims begin to gain repetition and volume within the discourses of the society, then alarms must be raised and vigilance must be renewed in the warfare against potential tyranny.
The voices and claims that suggest that the Great Reset is needed come in many different ways. When the fear of the people is not sufficiently excited, then the claims must be cloaked and subtly presented to be palatable to the people so that they will not hastily dismiss them as unwarranted. When claims are so shrouded, it becomes difficult to perceive their true meaning. However, when the fears of the people are sufficiently excited, then the claims can be bolder and more to the point especially if they offer a way of escape from the fear. History will once again instruct us that there is no greater exciter of fear within a society than a common enemy that is indiscriminate in its enmity and destructive acts toward people. And when there exists just such a common enemy, then the claim that inalienable rights such as liberty, property, freedom, religious beliefs are mere conveniences and must be set aside until the crisis is past or the enemy is conquered becomes the byword of many loud and influential voices.
The principles underlying the inalienable rights of the individual are in direct opposition to the principles that exist under a tyranny and thus must be done away with or redefined so that they have the form of the original but lack the substance. The enunciated rights such as life, liberty, property, equality before God, including the myriad of unspoken rights, which have been the foundation of all prosperous and secure societies when their substance is recognized and preserved within the laws stand in direct defiance to the machinations of tyranny. In order to pave the way for tyranny to rise, these rights must be surrendered by the individual and the principles upon which they are founded must be redefined or brought into question and thus provide an opportunity for confusion to be promulgated as society wrestles with how to integrate the new suggested principles and subsequent unsubstantial rights. Only when the security of the society is brought out to be of utmost importance can the opportunity to redefine or question the fundamental principles be found.
There exists a debatable aspect of the security of a free society summed up in the famous quote, "give me liberty or give me death." Taken from the perspective of the absolute preservation of the fundamental principles that underlie the rights of the individual, then true meaningful security is obtained by the free society continuing to guard those rights. Only by holding to the fundamental principles can a society truly prosper in all aspects of human capacity and such prosperity will be the greatest ally to the society's security. It is put forth that a society must be willing to suffer its own destruction rather than abandon its stand on the fundamental principles and commit violence upon the rights of the individual in pursuit of security or preservation, for it is better to live free than to live under tyranny. Human life loses when it is void of self-actuation, liberty to think, speak, act, believe, strive, struggle, grow, change, etc. It is claimed that an individual or a society that is willing to sacrifice freedom for security deserves neither.
In summary, the World Revolution of 2020+ is to be founded upon preservation and security at all costs in the face of common invisible indiscriminate enemies which will include the destruction of the rights of the individual as they have been understood by the fundamental principles now to be redefined and thus opening the door for tyranny to rise with little to no opposition as the best friend of the preservation and security of the society. The very best indicator that a tyranny is fast approaching is the destruction of the fundamental rights of the individual either through outright removal of the protections, or the redefining of the rights to have the same name but lack any substantial meaning or power. The World Revolution of 2020+ hailed as the Great Reset is very likely only a call for a tyrannical form of government under the pretense of safety, security and the preservation of the society. Renewed vigilance is called for from each individual. The preservation of the protections of the inalienable rights of the individual is the only means to achieve a secure and prosperous society.