Tortoise TTS

Tortoise TTS0:00/2:161×GitHub - neonbjb/tortoise-tts: A multi-voice TTS system trained with an emphasis on qualityA multi-voice TTS system trained with an emphasis on quality - neonbjb/tortoise-ttsGitHubneonbjbTortoise TTS (Text-to-Speech) Running locally on an Nvidia GPU (Geforce RTX 4070) (This also uses deepspeed which requires Cuda…

Embracing the Future: How AI is Revolutionizing Industries Without Eliminating Expertise

Technology has always been a double-edged sword, disrupting industries while simultaneously creating new opportunities. Today, the rise of AI has many concerned about job security, particularly in creative fields. However, history shows us that technological advancements often lead to greater accessibility and a broader appreciation for professional expertise. Let's explore…

Arch Linux Aarch64 (arm8)

Installed on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Alex Prime alex-prime.tar.gz 561 MB .a{fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:1.5px;}download-circle Format SD Card (e.g. /dev/sdc)echo -e "o\np\nn\np\n1\n\n+1G\nt\nc\nn\np\…