Dr. T. Colin Campbell statements and paraphrases
"Plant food consumption was strongly correlated with the formation of antibodies." (in regard to Hepatitis B virus)
Correlations are suggestive, not necessarily proof of causation.
When one has a number of correlations all pointing in the same direction, one may begin to explore causation.
People who consumed more plant-based foods formed antibodies to the virus (Hepatitis B) and no correlation to liver cancer mortality rate.
"Plant food consumption is not correlated to liver cancer rates. Animal food consumption is correlated and the correlation with liver cancer is that the significance level of 0.001 (p-value?) for statistical argument."

Hypothesis: Switching to a plant-based whole food diet is an effective treatment for COVID-19.
Hypothesis: People switching to plant-based whole food diets will reduce serious COVID-19 cases.
Hypothesis: People on plant-based whole food diets can prevent their own serious COVID-19 case.