Statistical Significance in plant-based vs. animal-based diets Dr. T. Colin Campbell statements and paraphrases "Plant food consumption was strongly correlated with the formation of antibodies." (in regard to Hepatitis B virus) Correlations are suggestive, not necessarily proof of causation. When one has a number of correlations all pointing…

Cyber Miranda Rights

(Warnings to the individual) You have the right to remain private, anything you share can and will be used against you in the court of society. You have a right to reason, if you cannot afford to reason, ardent lunacy will be appointed you.…


"A person who doesn't know how to be angry doesn't know how to be good." - Henry Ward Beecher "Anger is one of the sinews of the soul. He who lacks it has a maimed mind." - Thomas Fuller…

Tempered Capitalism

After contemplating the issues surrounding the AB 1139 act and its amendments, I began considering the current debate on what is being called the 'evils of capitalism'.  Many, it seems, have begun to accept the claim that capitalism is only a greed driven, individualistic system that when practiced…

Please vote No on AB 1139

To Assembly members of California Executive Summary: Electric rates are based on costs of maintaining and growing the electric grid.  Rates are applied to consumption.  The consumer is at liberty to vary their consumption and therefore vary their cost/contribution to the grid.  AB 1139 calls for a fee (tax)…

An Offended God

"Nothing in this world is so dear to God as His church.  With jealous care He guards those who seek Him.  Nothing so offends God as for the servants of Satan to strive to rob His people of their rights.  The Lord has not forsaken His people.  Satan points…

The World Revolution of 2020+

The word 'revolution' has a historically positive connotation.  Revolution used to mean a change, a transition from a previous to a new, a transformation from something that is less to something that is more.  Today it is incorrectly more identified with the word rebellion, which is definitely negative…

The Blessing of Poverty

A Personal Viewpoint of a Commonly-Held Undesirable Condition I was raised in poverty up until my high school years when my mother moved to her second nursing job in California.  At that time, my family entered the middle class of America.  A family of four, we were not rich by…